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templates (Directory)

The templates directory contains multiple files and dirs per default (using helm create). Those are not needed and should be deleted. For the secureCodeBox we will need files for the ScanType, ParseDefinition and CascadingRule. Please replace new-scanner with the name of your scanner for the following files.


This file contains the Specification of your ScanType. Please take a look at ScanType | secureCodeBox on how to configure your ScanType.


This file contains the ParseDefinition of your scanner. We use the convention where the values to the parse definition are taken from the values.yaml in the scanner's folder.


kind: ParseDefinition
name: zap-json
image: "{{ .Values.parser.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.parser.image.tag | default .Chart.Version }}"
ttlSecondsAfterFinished: {{ .Values.parser.ttlSecondsAfterFinished }}
env: {{ - toYaml .Values.parser.env | nindent 4 }}

More information under ParseDefinition | secureCodeBox


The CascadingRules define under which conditions your scanner will be run after other scanners. Please take a look at CascadingRule | secureCodeBox on how to configure your CascadingRules. The CascadingRules are not directly in the /templates directory as their curly bracket syntax clashes with helms templates. We import them as raw files to avoid these clashes as escaping them is even more messy. Your cascading-rules.yaml should look like the following:

# We only want to import the default cascading rules if they are enabled
{{ if .Values.cascadingRules.enabled }}
{{ range $path, $_ := .Files.Glob "cascading-rules/*" }}
# Include File
{{ $.Files.Get $path }}
# Separate multiple files
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

In addition, you should add the following to your values.yaml to allow that the inclusion of the default cascading rules of your scanner can be skipped:

# cascadingRules.enabled -- Enables or disables the installation of the default cascading rules for this scanner
enabled: true